Director's Desk

Dear All,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Donors and the entire family of Save Family Tanzania Charity, I feel especially honored to welcome you in our official website. The website that will enable the world to learn more about our charity and the future of many families you people care to support through us.
Since the inception of our charity, we have been honoring our report obligation through mails and home delivery. Now with our website in place, not do we only aim to hasten the communication process; everybody will get to know exactly what we are doing. Not to forget that transparency, among other values, is the obligation we carry in the heart of our organization.
With newsletters to be shared on this page, we quite certain to decrease the amount of printed papers. The possible resultant outcome would be environmental conservation—one of our areas of endeavor. We are proud of our doing what we preach. And, what we preach and do is reinstating family as a basic unit of life. Hopefully, this site will facilitate interaction between donors community and their beneficiaries—a truly family union. We are, as always did and ever shall be, unashamed to bridge the two worlds.
End of this inviting note is the beginning of our heartfelt gratitude for the generous deeds you have been doing to the mankind through our charity. Thank you very much indeed, or shall I say, Asante Sana—in its noblest sense of the Swahili phrase. Had it not been for your love and support, there is no doubt in my mind that our charity would by this day has not reached this far.

Rehema Mwabwalwa


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